jawaban soal discourse analysis

1.what is discourse analysis ?
Discourse analysis (DA), or discourse studies, is a general term for a number of approaches to analyze written, vocal, or sign language use, or any significant semiotic event.

Discourse analysis is sometimes defined as the analysis of language 'beyond the sentence'. This contrasts with types of analysis more typical of modern linguistics, which are chiefly concerned with the study of grammar: the study of smaller bits of language, such as sounds (phonetics and phonology), parts of words (morphology), meaning (semantics), and the order of words in sentences (syntax). Discourse analysts study larger chunks of language as they flow together.

Discourse analysis is a broad term for the study of the ways in which language is used in texts and contexts. Also called discourse studies.

2.Please mention 2 major areas of DA!
A.political discourse 

3. mention each 3 experts in DA and their works!

A. Elisabeth Le, University of Alberta

Expert In:

            Media discourse


B.Glenn Stillar, University of Waterloo

Expert In:



C.Jeffery Yen, University of Guelph

Expert In:

4.mention each 3 experts in one specific areas of DA and their works!

Dr. Aldoory publishes in the areas of health communication, public relations and mass media. She has served as advisor to the National Cancer Institute and the Centers for Disease Control. Dr. Aldoory is the author of several articles and co-editor of The Gender Challenge to Media: Diverse Voices from the Field.
Particular areas of interest include: Health Campaigns for Women, Disparities in Health Communication, and Public Relations as a Gendered Profession.

Dr. Kendall is a nationally known expert on American political campaign communication, particularly the interaction of candidates and the media. She is the author/editor of Communication in the Presidential Primaries: Candidates and the Media, 1912-2000 and Presidential Campaign Discourse: Strategic Communication Problems.
Particular areas of interest include: Presidential Primaries, Presidential Debates, Media & Politics.

Dr. Khamis's areas of teaching and research interest include: Public Relations, Advertising, Public Opinion, Audience Research, Mass Media Campaigns, Gender and Media Studies, Women's Media Images and Portrayals, Mass Media and National Development, Ethnographic Media Studies, as well as International and Intercultural Communication.

Discourse is a conceptual generalization of conversation within each modality and context of communication.

Discourse refers to how we think and communicate about people, things, the social organization of society, and the relationships among and between all three. Discourse typically emerges out of social institutions like media and politics (among others), and by virtue of giving structure and order to language and thought, it structures and orders our lives, relationships with others, and society.

2.Discursive psychology
Discursive psychology (DP) is a form of discourse analysis that focuses on psychological themes in talk, text and images.

Discursive psychology begins with psychological matters as they arise for people as they live their lives. It studies how psychological issues and objects are constructed, understood and displayed as people interact in both everyday and institutional situations?c. [It focuses] on matters that are 'psychological' for people as they act and interact in particular settings—in families, in workplaces, in schools and so on.

3.Discursive practice
Discursive practice addresses the processes by which cultural meanings are produced and understood. This approach offers a distinctive perspective on linguistic anthropology as well as cultural anthropology as a whole. It subsumes, but extends well beyond, the traditional field of linguistic anthropology and is central to contemporary cultural anthropology, especially its concern with ethnographic methods.


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