
Ambiguity occurs when a language element has more than one meaning.
Menurut Abdul Chaer di bukunya yang berjudul Linguistik Umum, ambiguiti adalah gejala dapat terjadinya kegandaan makna akibat tafsiran gramatikal yang berbeda (2007:307). 

Menurut James R. Hurford dan Brendan Heasley di bukunya yang berjudul Semantics: a coursebook (1983:121), “A word or sentence is AMBIGUOUS when it has more than one sense. A sentence is ambiguous if it has two (or more) paraphrases which are not themselves paraphrases of each other.” 

Menurut Pinkal, ambiguity : If the precisification spectrum of an expression is perceived as discrete, we may call it ambiguous. Pinkal identifies two fundamental types of ambiguity, according to whether an expression has, or does not have, a ‘wider’ sense that could be taken as most ‘basic’.
Example of ambiguity :
1.The chicken is ready to eat.

Terdapat ambiguitas pada kalimat diatas. Ada dua makna, antara ayam (sebagai makanan) yang sudah siap untuk disajikan atau ayam itu sendiri yang bersiap untuk makan.

       -Sounds arranged in a way that is pleasant or exciting to listen to
             -Art of writing or playing music
            - Written or printed signs representing the sounds to be played or sung in a piece of music

Bisa diamati bahwa ketiga definisi tersebut tetap saling berkaitan dengan kata music.

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