Free morpheme,is morpheme that can stand by themselves as single words.
The free morphemes can generally be identified as the set of separate english word forms such as basic nouns,adjectives,verbs,etc.
Free morpheme divided into two parts :

A. LEXICAL MORPHEMES,  “morphemes that carry the content or meaning of messages that we are conveying”
Example :
unlucky (adjective)
endanger (verb)
books (noun)
slowly  (adverb)

B. FUNCTIONAL MORPHEMES,  “morphemes that do not carry the content of a message,but rather help the grammar of the sentence function”
Example :
At, on, in (preposition)
I, you, we, they (pronoun)
And, or, but (conjunction)
Wow, huff (interjection)
A, an, the (article)
That, this, these (demonstrative)

Bound morpheme,is morpheme that cannot stand alone as a word.
Bound morpheme divided into two parts :

A.DERIVATIONAL MORPHEMES, “morphemes that transform words into different grammatical categories from the root word.
Example :
Impossible, unhappy, realize, national

B.INFLECTIONAL MORPHEMES, “morphemes that indicate aspects of the grammatical function of a word,such as changing a word into a plural or possessive form.
Example :
Chairs, listened

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7 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Free Morpheme :
- Lexical Morphemes
unlucky (adjective)
endanger (verb)
based on that examples above, we can see that unlucky is not free morpheme, because it has been added "un" before the word lucky. I still confused. can you tell me or explain more to me about that ?

Unknown mengatakan...

can you tell me summary and complete about lexical morphemes? thanks

Widya Ferinayu Telaumbanua mengatakan...

in your blog, example of lexical and derivational morphemes has adding word such us (un,ly,im, s) so, what the different of Lexical morphemes and derivational morpheme? may you explain that? thank you

Unknown mengatakan...

Nice explanation mis...
Could you explain "morphemes that transform words into different grammatical categories " thanks ...

Unknown mengatakan...

about lexical and functional morpheme, very simple, can u explain again ? thanks...

Unknown mengatakan...

Give more explanation and Explain about INFLECTIONAL MORPHEMES.. tq

Unknown mengatakan...

whether in a free morpheme can form new meanings and give new word.?

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