allomorph is a variant form of a morpheme, that is, when a unit of meaning varies in sound without changing meaning.
An allomorph is an alternate pronunciation of a phonological form of a morpheme in a particular linguistic environment.

For example the “s” morpheme in english which indicates plurality or third person singular present tense has three allomorphs :

Cats / kaets /                Dogs / dogz /               Horses / ho:sez /

Likes / laiks /               rubs / rabz /                  hisses / hisez /

Thus, orthographically the same “s” manifestation holds, but phonologically, there are three variants, /s/z/ and /ez/ making up the three allomorphs of the morphemes.

So, The allomorphs of English plural are: /әz/, /s/, /z/
1. [әz] occurs on nouns ending in s, z, š, z, č, j. (sibilants)
2. [s] occurs following all other voiceless sounds
3. [z] occurs following all other voiced sounds

Allomorph for english past tense :

Wish / wished /
Talk / talked /
Kiss / kissed /
ADD [t] if following voiceless sound

Grab / grabbed /
Love / Loved /
ADD [d]

Want/ wanted
wait/ waited
ADD [әd] if following an alveolar stop

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