In morpheme-based morphology, the term null allomorph or zero allomorph is sometimes used to
refer to some kind of null morpheme for which there are also contexts
in which the underlying morpheme is manifested in the surface
structure. It is therefore also an allomorph.
Zero allomorph is the term given to the unit
involved when a morpheme changes status from one type of morpheme to another
without any addition or subtraction of any of its parts.
For example :
Sheep (singular) ‘ = sheep (plural)
Sheep (singular) + Ø ‘ = sheep (plural)
Other such examples in english are “deer,salmon and
The gender morpheme is yet another example in
english where,along with the (ess) morpheme and lexical change, the zero
allomorph is used to indicate a change of morphemic status from masculine to
the feminine gender.
Masculine additional morpheme feminine
Prince +ess princess
Host hostess
Bull lexical change cow
Drake duck
Doctor +zero allomorph doctor
Driver driver
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